Keeping Your GP Consultations
Under 10 Minutes
Referrals: End it; get rid of complex issues and problem people.
Pathology Specimen Collectors are Professionals:
- FBC or E&LFTs, Faeces MCS
- FBC or E&LFTs, Urine MCS
- HIV serology, Syphilis serology, Urine Chlam PCR and Urine N Gon PCR
- FBC, Microbiology Swabs
- You don’t have to explain how to take the sample: specimen collector gets stuck with it.
Nurses can do Micro swabs too
Scripts for 0, 1, 2 or 5 pills: or staged supply,dispense daily.
They don’t get to stay in the room and argue with you:
they take it out on the receptionists or chemists.
This means you avoid the serious complaint.
Listen to Talk ConsTen 025.mp3